澳洲官方驾照翻译,保证有效 无效退款 实体店10分钟立取原件, 价格: $20 可以用来到维州路局(VIC ROADS)考取当地驾照,路局、警察局、Herz等澳洲所有租车公司认可
实体店地址: 27 Stott St Box Hill South VIC 3128。支持全澳邮寄

City中国驾照翻译, 墨尔本金鼎翻译公司, 澳洲NAATI 注册翻译公司,澳洲翻译公司。
Table of Contents
- 虽然中中国驾照已经有英文的内容,但是未经有效翻译、单独使用还是不被澳洲政府接受的文件;
- 自己的翻译件也不能用;
- 大陆没有国际驾照,就是所谓的 International Driving Permit (IDP)
- 中国公证处的驾照翻译- 中国公证处也有驾照翻译,是一个白色的大本子。
- 中国驻澳洲大使馆或领事馆的驾照翻译
- NAATI认证的驾照翻译件
在澳大利亚和新西兰,政府规定必须由具有 NAATI 专业认证的笔译员来翻译与移民、法律诉讼及政府部门多语种出版相关的所有个人文件。
NAATI(National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters)是负责对澳大利亚和新西兰境内笔译员和口译员进行测试和资格认证的政府机构。其职能类似于财会领域的注册会计师协会。NAATI 本身并不提供翻译服务。
给客户提供服务的是NAATI认证的NAATI翻译Melbourne is home to many of Australia’s best-known landmarks, such as the Melbourne Cricket Ground, the National Gallery of Victoria and the World Heritage-listed Royal Exhibition Building. Noted for its cultural heritage, the city gave rise to Australian rules football, Australian impressionism and Australian cinema, and has more recently been recognised as a UNESCO City of Literature and a global centre for street art, live music and theatre. It hosts major annual international events, such as the Australian Grand Prix and the Australian Open, and also hosted the 1956 Summer Olympics and the 2006 Commonwealth Games. Melbourne consistently ranked as the world’s most liveable city for much of the 2010s.[21]