对方要向你出示他们的驾照,谨记,要看驾照的背面, 背面显示对方更新的住址 (这个是针对澳洲驾照)。


  1. 对方的姓名、住址和驾照号码
  2. 对方的联络电话
  3. 车辆注册人的姓名、地址和联络电话
  4. 车牌号码
  5. 车辆的型号和颜色
  6. 对方是否买有车险,以及那种?

如果是中国驾照,需要向对方出示中国驾照原件+NAATI翻译件。 墨尔本金鼎公司专业翻译驾照、以及其他留学移民、公司文件,欢迎联络我们

You should ask the other driver to show you their driver’s licence. Make sure you look at the back of the licence, which may show a change of address.You should find out and write down:

the driver’s name, address and licence number
the driver’s phone number
the name, address and phone number of the person in whose name the car is registered (if not the driver)
the car’s registration number
the make, model and colour of the car
the other car’s insurance policy details.

官网解释详情见:https://www.lawaccess.nsw.gov.au/ … change_details.aspx