Table of Contents
可以用來更換澳洲駕照 監理所、警察局和其他政府機構均認可
保證有效 無效退款
布里斯本翻譯駕照- 澳洲金鼎翻譯公司,NAATI 認證,專業翻譯公司。作為澳洲最早成立的翻譯公司之一,公司營業十年來,和多家政府機構、銀行、會計師事務所、移民機構合作,為超過5000名客戶提供專業翻譯服務, 客戶好評。我們還提供移民留學文件和公司文件翻譯。 歡迎聯絡我們.
- 將駕照+護照拍照或者掃描發給我們
- 完成付款後,根據您提供的郵寄地址,我們將駕照翻譯件通過澳洲郵政 (AU POST) 寄給您。
等待時間: 30-60 分鐘會發給客戶電子檔 (PDF文檔),客戶可以把我們提供的電子檔打印出來直接上路開車租車。 - 駕照翻譯件原件在客戶確認後寄出,一般3個工作日可以收到。
聯絡我們 (歡迎直接電郵或者微信我們客服)
聯絡電話: 0426 854 261
微信: Au888au888 或者掃一掃二維碼
1. 臺灣駕照換澳洲昆士蘭駕照,以下內容來自昆士蘭監理所官網
How to apply for a Queensland driver licence
You can apply for a Queensland driver licence for the same class as your interstate or foreign licence by visiting a Transport and Main Roads customer service centre or a Queensland Government licence issuing centre or, if you live in a rural area, a Queensland Government Agent Program (QGAP) office or a licence-issuing police station (in rural or remote areas of Queensland).
Make sure you meet the minimum age limit for the type of Queensland licence you are applying for.
You will need to:
- if you are transferring from a foreign licence—bring your foreign driver licence and a recognised English translation (if needed) from a translator approved by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI)
- 如果你是從外國駕照轉換成昆士蘭州駕照,需要臺灣駕照 (註意,是臺灣駕照,不是臺灣國際駕照)NAATI譯本的正本,不接受打印件
- bring your evidence of identity documents, including proof that you live in Queensland
- 提供身份證明,包括在昆士蘭居住的證明-這裏一般要求水電煤氣賬單,銀行對賬單
- declare that you are medically fit to drive the class of vehicle (you may need to provide a medical certificate that states that you are medically fit to drive.)
- 聲明你健康狀況適合開車
- pay the licence fee—the cost will depend on how long you want your Queensland driver licence for. If you have more than 6 weeks left on your interstate licence, you will get a Queensland licence with the same expiry as your interstate licence (maximum 5 years) at no charge.
- 繳納駕照費用-根據你需要的時間可以購買,價格也有所不同。駕照時間越長就越貴,請根據自己的實際需要購買。2018nian 7月1日起1年費用是$78.9, 5年是$176.75.
Item | Cost as at 1 July 2018 |
1 year driver licence |
2 year driver licence |
3 year driver licence |
4 year driver licence |
5 year driver licence |
You no longer have to complete a driver licence application form when visiting a Department of Transport and Main Roads customer service centre.
You will still need to complete a driver licence application (F3000) at police stations and most QGAP offices.
Your authority to drive on your non-Queensland licence will be withdrawn when you have been issued with a Queensland driver licence. This means you can no longer drive with your interstate or overseas licence in Queensland.
All documents must be originals—photocopies and certified copies are not acceptable. The department may keep a copy of your evidence of identity documents or information about them to verify these documents with the issuing agency or a document verification service.
2. 如何將台灣駕照換成澳洲駕照? 我是否該換當地駕照?
4. 台灣駕照翻譯每個$20
由於台灣機車和汽車駕照頒發日期不同,無法合併為一個翻譯件,所以機車和汽車駕照是兩個翻譯本,每個價格是$20, 兩個都翻譯價格為AU$40.
5. 為了您駕車安全,我們提供澳洲駕車手冊免費下載(中文版),歡迎下載. 更多駕車問題,請參考常見問題
6. 我們使用澳洲郵政平郵服務,不需要提供您的聯絡電話,郵遞員會把信件留在家中的郵筒,亦不需要在家中等待。
7. 同時提供快遞服務,即澳洲郵政的第二個工作日快遞服務 (AU POST NEXT BUSINESS DAY GUARANTEE),價格為AUD$ 10. 除了提供給我們詳細的郵寄地址,還需提供手機電話。郵遞員會把信件留在家中的郵筒,亦不需要在家中等待。
*全天: 非辦公時間 (我們的辦公時間為:周一到周五早晨9點到下午5點)需要翻譯駕照的客戶,如果急需,請事先說明。